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Advanced Practitioner Certificate

Joint award: Trauma Informed Schools UK and Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education


The Advanced Practitioner Certificate in Parent-Child Relational Health in schools is run over five (5) training days, one (1) supervision day and one (1) assessment day. Delegates must have completed the TISUK 11-day diploma in Trauma and Mental Health Informed Schools or equivalent psychotherapy or counselling training AND be in a role where they are working with parents in an official capacity.

Courses are delivered online via Zoom. You must be available to attend the full duration of all days.

Fees: to be paid upfront in full £895

Vision and aims

This training course aims to empower practitioners with a wealth of evidence-based interventions that support both parent and child mental health. The training is backed by cutting edge research on the neuroscience and psychology of parent-child interactions (over 800 research studies).

When parents haven’t been parented themselves with emotion coaching, PACE (play/acceptance/curiosity/empathy) affect atunement, mental state talk, relational repair etc, why should they know how to parent in this way? Yet when these experiences are missing, negative interactions can all too easily become the norm, resulting in parents and children having a miserable time together, often for years. This then impacts negatively on both parent and child mental health.

So, this training is designed to support practitioners in skilling parents with effective relational interventions that bring consistently contactful connections. As part of this, practitioners will learn how to support parents to reflect instead or react, to prevent/ intervene effectively with child-on-parent violence (CPV), to empathise, to reflect instead or react, stay regulated and attuned under stress, all from a position of PACE. The training also includes skills in how to a) run ‘tea and talk time’ psycho-education groups for parents who want to improve their relationship with their child and learn how to handle tricky situations better b) carry out effective therapeutic sessions with parent-child dyads where relational repair is needed c) support parent-child relationships with interventions such as Parent-Child Game, Filial Therapy, Video-Interaction Guidance.

Benefits from attending

Gain skills in how to support parents to:

  • Develop the art of PACE, mental state talk, social joy and relational repair.
  • Understand transactional analysis including being able to cross transactions and avoid psychological games.
  • Use DDP interventions effectively e.g., speaking about the child/speaking for the child
  • Mentalize, attune to and engage with children at different developmental stages: infancy, middle childhood, the teenage years.
  • Make the shift from stress-inducing to stress-reducing interactions.
  • Engage in conversations on sensitive issues with childrenand teenagers.
  • Have regular enriching interactions rather than family members in separate rooms/on their own devices.
  • Stay regulated and contactful in the face of behavioursthat challenge.
  • Put down boundaries in a way that is respectful and non-shaming.
  • Address their own mental health and unprocessed trauma recognise when they’ve got triggered and what to do about it.


Evidence of relational skills with peer and staff throughout the training. Short PowerPoint presentation evidencing effective relational work with a parent or group of parents.

Please note: the training can be attended without assessment and the award.

Courses Open For Application

The new course structure will be 7 days over 4-5 months


Course *Application Required*

Day 1 & 2 - Training

27th & 28th Feb 2025

Day 3 - Training

20th March 2025

Day 4 - Training

24th April 2025

Day 5 - Supervision

8th May 2025

Day 6 - Training

5th June 2025

Day 7 - Assessment

3rd July 2025

(observation only option)

Qualification in counselling, psychotherapy or equivalent or TISUK Diploma.

To apply and for more information
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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