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Trainers: Dr Margot Sunderland and other top psychologists and experts by lived experience

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pdfCertificate in Child and Adolescent Mental Health 
pdf Child and Adolescent Mental Health Forums

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Time Commitment

  • 10 x 2 hour sessions (one or two Thursday evenings a month or watching in your own time)
  • 2 x additional mental health webinars on therapeutic relational skills (watch in your own time)
  • Assessment: Multiple choice to assess your assimilation of the course content

How it works

Attend the 10 modules in any order, watch them live or the recording after the event (for limited time). Don’t worry if you do not accrue all 10 this academic year. Then modules will continue the following year.

About the training

In the public arena, the media and schools, the narrative about mental health sounds a bit like symptoms descend on you like Covid or the common cold. It’s a narrative that’s superficial, impoverished, brings little hope and is not neuroscience or psychology research informed. It rarely informs you about causes (apart from broken brain and faulty genes myths which are just plain wrong) or about how to recover, meaning transformational change rather than just temporary relief or symptom control. In contrast when people are given the wealth of research (made accessible) and fascinating insights about the impact of unprocessed traumatic life experience on mind, body and brain, they feel both relief and hope. They are often motivated to engage in the relational interventions proven to bring mind in torment to mind in peace.

So, this training is for anyone who works with children and young people who wants the neuroscientific and psychological truth about mental health problems and how people can go on to live quality of life without emotional baggage. Proof? Trauma Informed Schools UK (sister organisation of IATE/CCMH) has been using this knowledge and interventions in over 5000 schools with over 20,000 staff. The knowledge and interventions are changing so many lives.


Course Content

  • Causes of mental health problems: helping children and young people (cyp) heal.
  • Causes of chronic anxiety, phobias, obsessive compulsive rituals, panic attacks, insomnia: helping cyp heal
  • Causes of emotionally based school avoidance: helping cyp heal
  • Causes of depression: helping cyp heal
  • Causes of self-harm: helping children helping cyp heal
  • Causes of hearing voices, dissociation, ‘psychosis’: helping cyp heal
  • Causes of low self-esteem/self-hate: helping cyp heal
  • Causes of anger problems/complex PTSD/violent behaviour: helping cyp heal
  • Eating disorders, body dysmorphia, somatic symptoms, causes and healing
  • Suicidal ideation and attempts: causes, healing and prevention.

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